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Ankle Sprains

An ankle sprain is a very general and broad term, which could apply to a variety of injuries in or around the ankle or foot. Uncharacteristic stress on the ankle bones or twisting of the muscles and ligaments around the ankle are a couple causes of ankle sprains. The sprain itself is usually a stretched or tore ligament, and its severity and location determine the treatment protocols and durations.

Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain:

  • Acute pain following an injury
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Ankle may feel weak

Treatment of an Ankle Sprain:

  • "RICE" Therapy-Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
  • Braces to support the weakened ankle ligaments
  • Physical therapy to strengthen balance and stability of ankle
  • Surgery would be considered by your podiatrists depending on tests results and severity of injury

The term ankle sprain is so general that if you are at all concerned that you may have injured your ankle, you should schedule an appointment with your podiatrist. The longer that you wait for treatment, the more likely you will be to have long lasting ankle problems following an injury.